Germans at Novida school

Hej! We are Maria, Boni­ta and Jule, the three Ger­man girls you may have already seen walk­ing around in Novi­da school or dri­ving with our bikes through Loimaa. We are media stu­dents in the field of dig­i­tal and print and go to the Wal­ter-Gropius-School in Hildesheim. There we learn how to design print prod­ucts like fly­ers, posters, busi­ness cards or cre­ate web­sites.

We short­ly want to intro­duce us:

Huhuu, my name is Jule. I am 20 years old and I love pho­tog­ra­phy. You can always find me some­where tak­ing pho­tos, edit­ing pho­tos or search­ing for beau­ti­ful places to take new pho­tos.

I always knew I want­ed my future job to be some­thing where I can be cre­ative so my deci­sion to become a media design­er was made fast.

I love learn­ing new things and live out my cre­ativ­i­ty in any pos­si­ble way. I tried draw­ing, writ­ing, pot­tery and more but found my pas­sion obvi­ous­ly in pho­tog­ra­phy, pole danc­ing and lis­ten­ing to tech­no music and songs from Lana del Rey.

Harz Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­ences – I stud­ied mar­ket­ing man­age­ment here for 2 semes­ters
Ham­burg – my favourite city in Ger­many
A pic­ture I like

Hey­ooooooooo, was geht?

I’m Boni­ta, 19 years old and I live near Hildesheim in a more north­ern part of Ger­many.

I like to draw in my free time. My favourite things to bring onto paper are por­traits. You can always find fea­tures in each and every person’s faces on this plan­et that are real­ly beau­ti­ful and that’s what I real­ly appre­ci­ate about being cre­ative, to catch the beau­ty of even the small­est details.

I also watch ani­me and would call some of my favourites Jojos bizarre adven­ture and Mob Psy­cho 100. My favourite music gen­res are Vocaloid, Indie and Rock, or at least Spo­ti­fy tells me so.

What I real­ly like about Fin­land is the qui­et and relaxed atmos­phere that I’ve expe­ri­enced so far. I wish I could expe­ri­ence the nature here when every­thing is bloom­ing like in Ger­many right now, but I’m still real­ly glad that the weath­er here is bet­ter than I imag­ined it to be.

Here are some of my favourite pic­tures that I took in Ger­many:

The high­est moun­tain of Ger­many the “Zugspitze” is some­where behind those ones
Cool sky from my home­town

MOIN! My name is Maria, I am 29 years old and I’m from Wis­mar in Ger­many. It’s a city in the North of Ger­many near the Baltic Sea. Cur­rent­ly, I am in my sec­ond year of train­ing as a media design­er at a com­pa­ny in Hanover. Before that, I stud­ied Inter­na­tion­al Tech­ni­cal Com­mu­ni­ca­tion at the Flens­burg Uni­ver­si­ty of Applied Sci­ences in Ger­many. Nev­er­the­less, I want­ed to do some­thing dif­fer­ent and cre­ative. That’s why I want­ed to learn media design. I am espe­cial­ly inter­est­ed in film­ing and video edit­ing, and I like to become pro­fes­sion­al in it some­day.

The school is quite dif­fer­ent here than it is in Ger­many. The atmos­phere is more relaxed, and it is not that strict. It’s ok to get up and do some walks around the school dur­ing the lessons. We are not famil­iar with this in Ger­many. I also like the free meals dur­ing lunch time. In Ger­many we always must pay for lunch­es or drinks.

Let’s talk about some hob­bies! In my free time I like to meet friends, doing some walks at the beach, hik­ing, trav­el­ing or just watch­ing some series. I also play foot­ball for more than 20 years in a women’s team. This is always fun and when I do not play soc­cer I like to go run­ning with some music.

What I like most in the media field is that I can be cre­ative. This is what I have missed in my pre­vi­ous jobs. I like to think about new ideas to cre­ate some­thing that makes peo­ple smile.

A light­room on the island of Poel
Nice sun­sets

The office dog at my work
Play­ing soc­cer is always fun

At this map you can see how far away our school is from Novi­da School in Loimaa:
296 h by foot 🙂 So feel free to vis­it us any time!

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